Dance Therapy

In the last post, I had spoken about my future job; I would like be a dancer. For this reason I think that I would like take to post graduate studies linked with the dance. I have been finding about this, so I knew that like major I would take dance therapy, therefore I would like continue to studying something relational with it. With the dance therapy I want learn about our bodies and how they move, how they operate and the blind how we can heal the body through to the dance. I wouldn’t mind studying this in Chile but I will love study in other country, a place where the dance being value like deserves it.  I would like study, of course, with onsite class, hopefully with the time necessary for learn about therapy, with theoretical class, too, where I learn about body, functioning, diseases etc.

Why do I want study dance therapy or corporal therapy? Because this is for me the same that the art therapy, dance is art… and with this art I want to help people to heal and they learn about their body, about themselves through their bodies, with this therapy we can heal problems as physical like emotional, also, we don’t use only dance, we complements the activity with other exercise therapy, like meditation, vibrations through the music, etc.

This post may not have sense, but is only that you connect with your body, I’m sorry, but for me, dancing is healing.


  1. I agree with you, dancing is healing, the art of dancing is wonderful. Your dance is beautiful and I hope that one day you can learn about dance therapy


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